Sliding Scale Discount Program

Open to Sheridan Family, Sheridan Youth, and Belleview Point Clinic patients

If you are, or plan to be, a patient at Sheridan Family, Sheridan Youth, or Belleview Point Clinics, you can apply for discounted health services. If you don't have health insurance or have limited coverage, we will look at your family size and income to determine how much of a discount to provide. We call this process “assigning a fee category.” That fee category helps us determine how much you will pay for the services you receive. You will need to pay that fee when you come to the clinic to get care.

You may apply for this discount program even if you have health insurance. If you qualify, we will apply the discount to the remainder of your bill after your insurance pays their part.

Please fill out the form below to find out if you qualify for a discount.

Please note: If you visit our Sheridan or Belleview Clinics, we will see you even if you cannot pay. These clinics do not turn people anyway because of their income or health insurance status.

Changes to the rating or application may occur when

  • The 12-month application period has expired
  • Family income has changed significantly
  • The number of dependents in the family has changed
  • The information provided was not accurate
  • Sheridan Health Services changes the sliding fee discount schedules

Documentation required for the application process

  • Valid photo ID such as Driver’s License or Non-Driver’s License
  • Proof of address such as most recent Utility bill, or copy of a lease
  • Pay stubs for the past 3 months
  • Unemployment letter, if applicable
  • Other documents, such as tax returns, may be requested if needed
  • If applicable, an award letter from Social Security



If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please call 911. For free, 24/7 mental health crisis support, please get in touch with Colorado Crisis Services. Call 1-844-493-8255 or text “TALK” to 8255.