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Womens Health Nurse Practitioner

Degree Earned: MS Women's Health Nurse Practitioner - MS The CU College of Nursing Master of science in Nursing program is designed to prepare nurses for direct and indirect care roles. Students select from 12 different specialties.

Womens Health Nurse Practitioner

Degree Earned: Graduate Certificate Women's Health Nurse Practitioner - Post-Graduate Certificate The CU College of Nursing Master of science in Nursing program is designed to prepare nurses for direct and indirect care roles. Students select from 12 different specialties.
Showing 61 - 62 of 62 results
IF you have / are…AND are interested in…THEN consider…
A minimum of 60 semester credits or a non-nursing bachelor’s degree A bachelor’s degree in nursing (BS), becoming a registered nurse (RN), and interested in furthering your nursing career with a MS, DNP or PhDTraditional Pathway
A high school diploma and an interest in completing prerequisites within the Colorado Community College systemA bachelor’s degree in nursing (BS), becoming a registered nurse (RN), and interested in furthering your nursing career with a MS, DNP or PhDIntegrated Nursing Pathway
A non-nursing bachelor’s degree and healthcare experience
A bachelor’s degree in nursing (BS), becoming a registered nurse (RN), and interested in furthering your nursing career with a MS, DNP or PhD.Accelerated Nursing UCAN
An Associate’s degree in nursing and are a current (or pending) RNEarning a bachelor’s degree in nursing online.RN to BS in Nursing Pathway
Currently enrolled in an associate’s degree in nursing program and have, or will soon have, one semester of nursing coursework completed.A bachelor's degree in nursingRN to BS Early Decision Pathway
IF you have / are…AND are interested in…THEN consider…
A Bachelor’s degree in nursing and are an RNPursuing a Master’s Degree in direct careMS - Select from 9 different specialties
A Bachelor’s degree in nursing and are an RNPursuing a Master’s Degree in admin / leadershipHealth Care Informatics
i-LEAD and Health Systems
Veteran & Military Health Care
Events & Seminars Continuing Nursing Professional Development
IF you have / are…AND are interested in…THEN consider…
A Bachelor’s degree in nursing and are an RNPursuing a DNP Degree in direct careBS-DNP - Select from 10 different specialties
A Master's degree in nursing (MS) and are an RNPursuing DNP
 - Admin / Leadership
 - Specific Care
 - Other than public health
Post-Graduate DNP - Public Health
DNP Health Systems
DNP VMHC Leadership
IF you have / are…AND are interested in…THEN consider…
A Bachelor’s degree in nursingPursuing Grad schoolPost-Bachelor's BS-PhD
(Email for details)
A Master's degree in nursing (MS) and are an RNPursuing a PhD degreePhD
IF you have / are…AND are interested in…THEN consider…
A Master's degree in nursing (MS) and are an RNObtaining a certification in a new practice areaPost-Master's Certificate Program: Select from 3 different specialties
A Bachelor's degreeGain certification in a nursing specialtyGraduate Certificate Program: Select from 3 different specialties
IF you have / are…AND are interested in…THEN consider…
Bachelor or master's degree in nursing or another disciplineEnroll in a course without being formally admittedNon-Degree Enrollment Program
Events & Seminars Continuing Nursing Professional Development
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