Publications and Presentations
Peterson, K., Jagasia, E., Spearman, K., Sharps, P., & Campbell, J. (2025). Strength and resiliency of women and their children who are exposed to intimate partner violence (2nd ed). In: Mitchell C, Miller E, McCaw B, Alexander K, Eds. Intimate Partner Violence: A Health-Based Perspective, Second Edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Brown, A., Cook, P., Peterson, K., Centi, S., & McNair, B. (2024). Effects of support systems on the mental health of nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic. PLOS Mental Health, 1(7): e0000189.
Leibman, E. E. & Peterson, K. (2024). Championing the “Me” in Treatment: Quality Improvement to Increase Individual Patient Participation in Treatment Planning in an Inpatient Behavioral Health Facility. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 1-5.
Moran, M., Makic, M.B., Cook, P., & Peterson, K. (2023) Student-led stress reduction support groups: A qualitative program evaluation. Journal of Nursing Education, 62(12), 711-715. http://doi:10.3928/01484834-20231006-09
Peterson, K., Mundo, W., McGladrey, L., Aagaard, L. M., Stalder, S., & Cook, P. F. (2023). Stress Impact and Care for COVID-19: Pilot Education and Support Course Decreases Burnout Among Nursing Students. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 29(5). DOI:
Courtwright, S. E., Jones, J., Barton, A., Peterson, K., Eigen, K., Feuerstein, J., Pawa, A., Pawa, A., Northridge, J., & Pall, H. (2023). Including voices of adolescents with chronic conditions in the redesign of children's mental health systems: Implications for resource allocation. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 37(4), 381–390.
Courtwright S.E., Jones J., Barton A., Peterson K., Eigen K., Feuerstein J., Pawa A., Pawa A., Northridge J., Pall H. (2023). Adolescents with chronic conditions: Engagement with children's mental health systems during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing. DOI:
Ritchie, B. N. & Peterson, K. A. (2022). Mindful awareness practices for adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A virtual program implementation and evaluation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, DOI:
Li, Q., Riosmena, F., Valverde, P.A., Zhou, S., Amura, C., Peterson, K., Palusci, V.J., Feder, L. (2022). Preventing intimate partner violence among foreign-born Latinx mothers through relationship education in nurse home visiting. Journal of Nursing Management. DOI:
Garrett, S. L., Pina-Thomas, D., Peterson, K., & Benton, M. J. (2019). Tracking physical activity in baccalaureate nursing students prior to graduation: A longitudinal study. Nurse Education Today. DOI:
Peterson, K., Sharps, P., Banyard, V., Powers, R. A., Kaukinen, C., Gross, D., Campbell, J. (2018). An evaluation of two dating violence prevention programs on a college campus. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 33(23) 3630–3655. DOI:
Joyce, B., Peterson, K., Sievers, V., Brownrigg, V., Hoener, V. (2015). Relationship between parental acceptance and rejection, documented health status, and lifetime experiences of violence among incarcerated women. International Journal of Nursing and Clinical Practices. 2, 148.
Joyce, B., Hoener, V., Peterson, K., and Sievers, V. (January 2015). Parental acceptance and rejection in women’s prison settings: A review of the literature. International Society for Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection, 9(1)11-16.
Peterson, K. (2014). Dating violence prevention programs on a college campus (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database.
Peterson, K. (2013). Learned resourcefulness, danger in intimate partner relationships, and mental health symptoms of depression and PTSD in abused women. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 34(6), 386-394. DOI:
Campbell, J., Sharps, P., and Peterson, K. (2009). Strength and resilience in battered women and their children. In C. Mitchell, D. Anglin (Eds.). Intimate Partner Violence: A Health Based Perspective. Oxford University Press.