Group of college students in classroom with instructor

Keeping you informed

Our policies and procedures have helpful information that guides the college. We also have a list of common forms you might need. These documents help you navigate the administrative process at CU Nursing while educating you about the college’s protocols.



CU Nursing has established policies to ensure the safety of students, faculty, and staff.

Emergency Preparedness
Sexual Misconduct, Intimate Partner Violence, and Stalking Policy (Title IX)

Common forms

As a student, you may be required to complete certain forms. Below are the forms you’ll most likely need.

Request a transcript
Verify enrollment
Graduation application and order your diploma
Course withdrawal
CU Nursing withdrawal

Leave of absence
PhD leave of absence
Medical clearance
Transfer specialty request
(MS students only)
Add specialty/degree request
(MS students only)
Non-discrimination policies  

Student handbooks

The handbooks review college policies relating to things like plagiarism, academic profession appeals, dress code, and inclement weather.

All Student Handbook
PhD Handbook

Questions about either handbook? Please email Student Affairs.

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