Celebrating You - Class of 2020
Updates for the Class of 2020 during Covid-19 outbreak
College of Nursing Marketing | College of Nursing Mar 18, 2020
4/10/20 - CU Anschutz Student Parking Refund
Dear CU Anschutz Students,
As the Chancellor’s communication outlined yesterday, the Parking Department will be refunding all students on the Anschutz Medical Campus for any parking permit fees that were paid in advance from March 16, 2020 forward. This process will begin immediately, but will take time to complete as we must review each student account individually to determine the refund amount that is due. All refunds will be mailed to students in the form of a check to the current address on file. In order to ensure the most timely and accurate return of funds, we ask you to review your parking account online and provide the most current mailing address. We know that this pandemic has caused a great deal of change in your world and we are committed to returning funds as quickly as we can. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. It is our goal to have all refunds issued by the end of April. If you have an questions regarding this communique and your specific situation, please contact the parking office at (303)724-2555 or by email to CUParking@cuanschutz.edu.
3/27/20 - A video message from Dr. Elias Provencio-Vasquez, Dean
We know you are concerned about your upcoming graduation. And so are we. We are doing everything we can to ensure you will graduate on time. Please watch this video, which details the efforts we have undertaken on your behalf.
Be kind to each other and take care of yourselves. We will get through this -- together.
3/19/20 - A message from Assistant Dean of Student Affairs & Diversity Shane Hoon
Dear College of Nursing Students,
We hope you are doing well and that you are safe and healthy and managing this very fluid state in which we currently find ourselves. Yes, this is new to all of us and we are learning and acclimating as we go. But we are in this together, as colleagues, friends, classmates, and as a CU community. I personally, have been incredibly encouraged by the level of collaboration, optimism, and compassion that I have witnessed by so many in our community over the last several days and weeks – a true testament to the human spirit and why we do what we do. You all have chosen this profession and this calling to serve in health and to support those that need care. Yes, perhaps not anticipating an event such as this, but prepared nonetheless. Take pride in knowing that you WILL be a part of the solution and we are grateful for that.
I speak for the College when I say that we thank you for your understanding, your patience, and your nimbleness as the College of Nursing navigates this unfamiliar challenge. We recognize that things may be different, that schedules and timelines have extended, that priorities have changed, that our routines are altered, but we truly appreciate the understanding that so many of you have shown. Please know that the faculty, staff, and administration here with the College is working hard to adapt as well, and we ARE here to support you in whatever ways we can. During this time, if you do find yourself in a place where you need some additional support or resources, please do not hesitate to reach out. This is the time when we all need to support one another.
Find positive ways to utilize this time. Reconnect (virtually) with family and friends. Do some of those projects around the house you may have been putting off. Find a new hobby. Learn a new recipe. Practice art or music. Read a good book, or better yet, write one! Whatever you do, take some time to just appreciate life for a moment and all that we may have. Whatever you do, make the best of it and find the positive in this situation. And please keep in touch. Reach out if we can be of help or assistance.
Be healthy and safe,
Shane and the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs team
3/18/20 - A message from Assistant Dean of Student Affairs & Diversity Shane Hoon
Dear College of Nursing students,
We hope this finds you and your family safe and healthy. As you know, these are unprecedented times for us all as we face a very unique challenge. This COVID 19 virus has impacted our daily lives and we are needing to take additional measures to protect ourselves and our families. This has meant a change in our norm and our routine, including your educational experience here with the CU College of Nursing.
Given this current situation and our uncertainty of what the next few months will bring, senior leadership on the Anschutz Medical Campus has made the decision to forgo any in-person May graduation. You may have already heard that CU Boulder and Colorado Springs have already made similar decisions to cancel their in-person ceremonies and after much deliberation and conversation, we have concluded the same. All across the country universities are shutting down and canceling events and graduation, so we are not unique in this decision.
Please know that this was not an easy decision, as we genuinely recognize what this day and event means to so many of our graduating students and your families, but we needed to keep the best interest of our graduates, families, and our AMC community in mind and factor in the potential risks. As health care professionals, we hope that you can appreciate this decision as it relates to this global health crisis. We know that this is disappointing news to many of you, but please know that we take this decision seriously and it is based on being proactively cautious and conservative about your health as well.
For those of you that have already purchased regalia, please know that you will be able to receive a refund for your order. We will have additional details about this soon. We apologize for any other inconvenience that this cancellation may cause. We will also have future information and communication about diplomas and transcripts as well.
Should you have any specific questions or concerns, you can contact any member of our Admissions and Student Affairs team. However, please know that this is a fluid situation and we will keep you updated as things develop. Again, we thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate these times.
Best regards,
Shane Hoon and the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs