Do you have a question or need assistance? Our directory provides a list of CU Nursing faculty and staff members. Some faculty profiles include links to research and a brief biography, so you can learn more about their expertise.
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Mary Beth Flynn Makic, PhD, RN, CCNS, CCRN-K, FAAN, FNAP FCNS is a professor and specialty director of the Adult-Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist Program at the University of Colorado College of Nursing, Aurora. She is a research scientist at Denver Health and previously held the position of research nurse scientist, critical care, at the University of Colorado Hospital from 2008-2015 and was the clinical nurse specialist, for critical care from 1996-2008.
Makic earned a PhD in nursing at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, School of Nursing, Aurora, in 2007, a Master of Science in Nursing at the University of Maryland School of Nursing, Baltimore, in 1992, and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from University of Wisconsin School of Nursing, Madison, in 1985.
Dr. Makic’s program of scholarship and research have focused on evidence integration and application of science that advances independent nursing practice. She has been a critical care clinician and clinical nurse specialist for more than 36 years and is well recognized as a leader in critical care. She is well known for her work leading efforts for nursing practice to be based on current best evidence and understanding clinical innovations that benefit nursing practice and patients alike. She is frequently sought as a keynote speaker to address strategies for overcoming barriers to evidence-based adoption, integration, and sustainment within organizations. Her career has been committed to interprofessional initiatives to advance the translation and sustained adoption of science into practice.
Makic is the editor of highly acclaimed textbooks: Trauma Nursing: Resuscitation through Rehabilitation, 5th edition; Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 13th Edition, and Introduction to Critical Care Nursing, 9th ed. She also is on the editorial board of AACN Advanced Critical Care Journal and Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing. She is the the past column editor, of Critical Care Corner, for the Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing. She recently completed a three-year term on the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) board of directors and currently is a co-lead for the AACN Clinical Advisory Work Group. She has been a long-time research grant reviewer for the Daisy Foundation which supports small grants to advance nursing research within clinical organizations.
Her other affiliations include membership in the Council for Advancement of Nursing Science (CANS), Sigma Theta Tau International, Critical Care Medicine, American Academy of Nursing, and National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists (NACNS), She is co-chair of the Research and EBP committee for NACNS; a member of the special interest group, Clinical Nurse Scientists within CANS and active member on the acute and critical care expert panel with the American Academy of Nursing.
Among her many honors, She was inducted as a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing in 2012; The National Academies of Practice in 2013, and Fellow, Clinical Nurse Specialist Institute in 2019. Makic received the Nightingale Luminary Award recognition from the Central Colorado Area Health and Education Center in 2015. She has also received several teaching awards from the CU College of Nursing.
Makic was recently awarded the Elizabeth H Boeker Award which recognizes CU Nursing faculty for their excellence in research. She has numerous publications and presentations with over 110 journal publications and 70 book chapters. She has been recognized for her dedication to generating high-quality research that informed nursing practice and impacted patient outcomes.
Research In Progress:
2023-current Co-Investigator, Nurse Leaders’ Experiences with Hybrid Work Schedules
2023-current Primary Investigator. Delphi Study: Evidence Hierarchies and Synthesis Pyramids
2023-current Co-Investigator, Systematic Review: Fall Risk Factors and Interventions for Community Dwelling Older Adults
Research Completed:
Co-Investigator, Graduate Nurse Experience of Starting Practice During a Pandemic
Primary Investigator. Behavioral fatigue symptom experiences and self-management in HIV. University of Colorado College of Nursing Intramural grant support ($30,000).
Co-Investigator. Identifying, assessing, and balancing competing risks of hospital-acquired conditions. University of Colorado School of Medicine. Colorado ACTION Partnership, AHRQ Action Contract. ($674,416.)
Co-Investigator. Evaluation of End-Tidal CO2 monitoring effectiveness with pain and sedation monitoring of non-intubated burn injured patients during wound care. University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, CO.
Co-Investigator. Understanding symptom cluster trajectories for acute care patients. University of Colorado College of Nursing.
Co-Investigator. Physiological effects of intrathoracic pressure regulation in patients with decreased cerebral perfusion due to brain injury or intracranial pathology. Advanced Circulator Systems, Inc. ($25,638).
Co-Investigator. Assessing availability of data to identify and analyze factors associated with reductions in hospital acquired conditions (HACs). University of Colorado, School of Medicine. Colorado ACTION Partnership. AHRQ Action grant T01 ($45,729).
Subject Matter Expert, Pressure ulcer prevention research initiative. Premier Research Collaborative Division and Hill-Rom. May-September 2014. ($5,862)
Co-Investigator, Intradermal lidocaine or bacteriostatic normal saline to decrease pain before intravenous catheter insertion: A meta-analysis. University of Colorado Hospital, Aurora, CO.
Co-Primary Investigator. Reducing Hospital-Acquired Infections through the Evaluation of Best Practice for Bathing ICU Patients UCH/School of Medicine Clinical Effectiveness and Patient Safety Grant supported project ($18,000).
Primary Investigator, Descriptive Study Exploring Dosing of tPA in the Emergency Department Using Estimated Versus Actual Patient Weight
Co-Primary Investigator, Site Coordinator, for Multisite Research Project Study of ICP Monitoring in Critically Ill Patients (SIM City). Primary Investigator Dr. DaiWai Olson, Duke University.
Primary Investigator, Placement of Esophageal Temperature Probes by Registered Nurses; STTI, Alpha Kappa Chapter at Large, Small Grant ($1,800)
Co-Investigator, Descriptive Study of a Self Governance Model in Outpatient Perioperative Services
Co-Investigator, Ventilated Patient’s Perception of Pain. University Of Colorado Hospital, Denver, CO
Primary Investigator, Nursing Directed Interventions to Reduce Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in the ICU; American Association of Critical Care Nurses Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Grant ($500)
Co-Investigator, Evidence Based Skin Research Project, University Of Colorado Hospital, Denver, CO
Data Collector, Nursing Assessment of Nasogastric Tube Placement; Evidence Based Practice
Site Coordinator, AACN Thunder Project II
Co-Investigator, Correlation of Tympanic Temperature with Pulmonary Artery, Rectal
Oral Temperature Measurement Methods, Bayfront Medical Center, St. Petersburg, FL.
Primary Investigator, Correlation Pulse oximetry and Co-Oximetry in the Intensive Care Unit, Bayfront Medical Center, St. Petersburg, FL
Primary Investigator, Correlation of Pulse Oximetry and Co-Oximetry in the Critically III Trauma Patient, MIEMMS, Baltimore, MD
Co-Investigator, AACN Thunder Project, MIEMMS, Baltimore, MD
*peer reviewed +data based #invitational † student
# Knippa, S., Makic, M.B.F. & Coakley, S. (2023). Certification prep column: Clinical inquiry. Critical Care Nurse. 43(6), 68-73.
*†+ Moran, M., Makic, M.B.F., Cook, P., & Peterson, K. (2023). Student-led stress reduction support groups: A qualitative program evaluation. Journal of Nursing Education. 62(12), 711-715. http://doi:10.3928/01484834-20231006-09. Epub 2023 Dec 1
*†+ Medero, K., Goers, J. & Makic, M.B.F. (2023) Evaluation of a charge nurse leadership development program. Nursing Management. Published online ahead of print. doi:10.1097/nmg.0000000000000032
#† Cuaycong, M.G., & Makic, M.B.F. (2023). Medical Device Related Pressure Injury Prevention. Journal of perianesthesia nursing. 34(4), 664-666. https://doi:10.1016/j.jopan.2023.05.005. Epub 2023 Jun1
*+† Garcia, D. M., Casey, K., & Makic, M.B.F. (2023). Rounding and quick access education to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infection. Clinical Nurse Specialist. 37(3), 117-123. https://doi:10.1097/NUR.0000000000000741
#† Megan John, M., & Makic, M.B.F. (2023). Spontaneous Awakening and Breathing Trials in the PACU. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing 38(2), 352-354. Epub 2023 Feb 28
* Shaw, K., Sables-Baus, S., & Makic, M.B.F. (2023) Innovative DNP evaluation tools. Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice. 16(1).
+ Makic, M.B.F. & Svoboda, E. (2023). Clinical inquiry: Staying informed of best evidence to guide practice. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 34(1), 63-66.
*† Baker, C. L., Ozkaynak, M., Ziniel, S. I., Harpin, S. B., & Makic, M.B.F. (2022). Systems of communication in school-nurse led care coordination: A concept analysis. Nursing forum, 10.1111/nuf.12824. Advanced online publication.
+ Makic, M.B.F. (2022). To treat or not to treat fever in the ICU post-operative patient. Journal of perianesthesia nursing: official journal of the American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses, S1089-9472(22)00510-X. Advance online publication.
*+† Seyeller, Nicole & Makic, M.B.F. (2022). Clinical nurse specialist practice: Impact on improving sedation practice in critical care. Clinical Nurse Specialist Journal, 36(5), 264-271. https:/
# Makic M.B.F. (2022). Damage control resuscitation in the trauma patient. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing 37(4), 563–564.
# Knippa, S., Pal, A., & Makic, M.B.F. (2022) Personal connection: Certification test prep. Critical Care Nurse, 42(3), 68-73.
*+ Makic, M.B.F., Stevens, K.R., Gritz, R.M., Wald, H., Ouellet, J., Morrow, C.D., Rodrick, D. & Reeder, B. (2022). Dashboard design to identify and balance competing risk of multiple hospital-acquired conditions. Applied Clinical Informatics,13(3), 621-631
*+ Pal, A., Bowler, F., Makic, M.B.F., & Estes, K. (2022). Virtual simulation for APRN students: Adapting to shortage of clinicals. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 18(5), 563-568.
*+† Pacho, A., Meredith, J., Kirkley, L., Rodgers, J., & Makic. M.B.F. (2022) Supporting ambulatory nurses transitioning from direct care to leadership: A pilot project. Journal for Nurses in Professional Development, Ahead of print.
#† Whalen, A., & Makic, M.B.F. (2022). Caring considerations for the transgender patient. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 37(2), 286-288.
#† Liebman, E., & Makic, M.B.F. (2022). Care of the perioperative patient at risk for increased intracranial pressure. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 37(2), 274-276.
*#† Wild, K., & Makic, M.B.F. (2022). Reducing hospital-acquired pressure injuries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Critical Care Nurse, 42(2), 82–84.
*+ Makic, M.B.F, Casey, K., Oman, K. S., & Fink, R. M. (2022). Developing the graduate nurse residency: An oral history with Dr. Colleen Goode and Dr. Mary Krugman. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 53(4), 171–177.
*† Betts, H., Scott, D., & Makic, M.B.F. (2022). Using evidence to prevent risk associated with perioperative pressure injuries. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing,37(3), 308-311.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2021). Recognizing and nursing management of abdominal compartment syndrome. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 36(6),732-733.
*+† McIlvennan, C. K., Jones, J., Makic, M.B.F., Meek, P. M., Chaussee, E., Thompson, J. S., Matlock, D. D., & Allen, L. A. (2021). Stress and coping among family caregivers of patients with a destination therapy left ventricular assist device: A multicenter mixed methods study. Circulation: Heart Failure, 14(10), pe008243.
#† Barby, K., Keating, N., & Makic, M.B.F. (2021) Care of critically ill patients with epidural pain management. Journal of Periansethesia Nursing, 36(4), 428-430.
*† Jardin, E.K., & Makic, M.B.F. (2021). Central line care and management: Adopting evidence-based nursing interventions. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 36(4), 328-333.
*+ Casey, K., Oja, K. J., & Makic, M.B.F. (2021). The lived experiences of graduate nurses transitioning to professional practice during a pandemic. Nursing Outlook, 69(6), 1072-1080.
# Knippa, S., Makic, M.B.F., & Bowles, S. (2021). Give it a name: Certification test prep. Critical Care Nurse. 41(3), 65-69.
#† Rottweiler, B, & Makic, M.B.F. (2021). Pragmatic nonpharmacologic interventions to improve patient sleep and decrease delirium. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 36(2), 194-195.
*+ Henrichs, K.A. & Makic, M.B.F. (2021) A quality improvement project to increase oxygen therapy adherence in patients newly prescribed oxygen at discharge. MEDSURG Nursing, 30(1), 35.40. (2021 MEDSURG Nursing Quality Improvement Writer’s Award)
#† Pacho, A.J., Garcia, D.M., & Makic, M.B.F. (2020). Ketamine and advantages for the post-surgical patient. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 35(6), 682-684.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2020) Providing evidence-based practice during the COVID-19 pandemic: Ask the expert. Critical Care Nurse, 40(5), 72-44. Maggie Award.
* Graham, L., & Makic, M.B.F. (2020). Nursing considerations for persons living with HIV in critical care settings. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 31(3), 308-317.
*+ Reeder, B., Makic, M.B.F., Morrow, C., Ouellet, J., Sutcliffe, B., Rodrick, D., Gritz, M., & Wald, H. (2020). Design and evaluation of low-fidelity visual display prototypes for multiple hospital-acquired conditions. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 38(11), 562-571.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2020). Prone position of patients with COVID-19 and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 35(4), 437-438.
+† Haning, C., & Makic, M.B.F. (2020). Toothbrushing for dependent neurological patients in the intensive care unit. Critical Care Nurse, 40(3), 72-26.
#† Lang, C., & Makic, M.B.F. (2020). Managing postoperative pain: Rethinking adjuvant therapies. Journal or Perianesthesia Nursing, 35(2), 212-214.
*+ Makic, M.B.F., Gilbert, D., Jankowski, C., Reeder, B., Al-Salmi, N., Starr, W., & Cook, P. (2020). Sensor and survey measures associated with daily fatigue in HIV: Findings from a mixed-method study. J Assoc of Nurses AIDs Care, 31(1), 12-24.
*† Courtwright, S., Makic, M.B.F., & Jones, J. (2019). Emotional wellbeing in youth: A concept analysis. Nursing Forum, 55(2), 106-117.
# Knippa, S., Makic, M.B.F., & Wallingford, T. (2019). CCRN across the life span. Crit Care Nurse, 39(5), 68-72.
# Makic, M.B.F., & Granger, B.B. (2019). Deimplementation in clinical practice: What are we waiting for? AACN Adv Crit Care. 30(3), 282-286.
*+ Padula, W.V., Pronovost, P.J., Makic, M.B.F., Wald, H.L., Moran, D., Mishra, M.K., & Meltzer, D.O. (2019). Value of hospital resources for effective pressure injury prevention: A cost-effectiveness analysis. BMJ Quality & Safety, 28(2), 132-141.
#† Williams, J., & Makic, M.B.F. (2019) Postoperative care for transcatheter aortic valve replacement. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 34(2), 431-434.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2018). Delirium: Are we doing enough? Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 33(6), 990-992.
*+† LaRoche, M.J., Makic, M.B.F., & Shaw, K. (2019). Secondary prevention of bone disease in men on androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer: Quality improvement through implementation of evidence-based bone health guidelines. Urologic Nursing, 39(2), 59-71, 99.
*+† Spencer, T. S., Makic, M.B.F., & Shaw, K. (2019). Decreasing Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections in Urologic Oncology Patients Discharged With an Indwelling Urinary Catheter: A Quality Improvement Project. JoPAN, 34(2), 394–402.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2018). In-hospital cardiac arrest: Intubate or not? Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 33(4), 551-552.
*+ Weimer, S., Burleson, J., Mancuso, M., Bell, C., & Makic, M.B.F. (2018). End tidal CO2 monitoring during burn wound care, a descriptive study. J Burn Care & Research. 39(1), 141-147.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2018). A culture of civility: Positively impacting practice and patient safety. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 33(2), 220-222.
* Makic, M.B.F., & Bridges, E. (2018). Managing sepsis and septic shock: an update on definitions. The American Journal of Nursing,118(2), 34-40.
*+ Padula WV, Gibbons RD, Pronovost PJ, Hedeker D, Mishra MK, Makic, M.B.F., Bridges, JFP, Wald HL, Valuck RJ, Ginensky AJ, Ursitti A, Venable LR, Epstein Z, & Meltzer DO. (2017) Using clinical data to predict high-cost, performance coding issues associated with pressure ulcers: A multilevel cohort model. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA), 24(e1), p.e95-e102.
#† Rodriguez, A., Lee, D., & Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Situational awareness: An aviation approach to reduce error. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 36(6), 650-652.
* Makic, M.B.F., Wald, H. (2017). Achieving improved patient outcomes through interprofessional teams. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 88, 91-94.
# Rauen, C., Knippa, S., & Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Courageous or complaint? Certification test prep. Crit Care Nurse, 37(4), 71-75.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Nursing caring behaviors. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 32(4), 367-369.
* Padula, W.V.,& Makic, M.B.F. (2017). View from here: Informal leadership translating evidence-based practices for pressure ulcer prevention in the hospital setting. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing, Mar/Apr; 44(2),153-154.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 32(2): 140-141.
*+ Ozkaynak, M., Reeder, B., Hoffecker, L., Makic, M.B.F., & Sousa, L. (2017). Use of electronic health records by nurses for symptom management in inpatient settings: A systematic review. Computers Informatics Nursing, 35(9), 465-472.
# Lareau, S.C., Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Evaluating breathing discomfort in the ICU: What is the goal? Respiratory Care, 62(2), 250-252. https://doi/org/10.4187/respcare.05413
# Makic, M.B.F. (2016). Scoring tools: Identifying patient risk. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 31(6), 530-531.
*+ Drees, C., Makic, M.B.F., Case, K., Mancuso, M.P., Hill, A., Walczak, P., et al. (2016). Skin irritation during video-EEG monitoring. The Neurodiagnostic Journal, 56(3), 2375-8627.
# Makic, M.B.F., & Bueno, E. (2016). Improving interprofessional communication through structured rounds. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 31(4), 340-342.
*+ Padula W.V., Gibbons R.D., Valuck R.J., Makic M.B.F., Mishra M.K., Provonost P.J., et al. (2016). Are evidence-based practices associated with effective prevention of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers in US academic medical centers? Medical Care, 54(5), 512-518.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2016). Recovery after ICU discharge: post-intensive care syndrome. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 31(2), 172-174.
# Makic, M.B.F., & Rauen, C. (2016). Maintaining your momentum: Moving evidence into practice. Critical Care Nurse, 36(2), 13-18.
# Rauen, C., Jeffries, K., & Makic., M.B.F. (2016) We do it for our patients. Critical Care Nurse, 36(2), 74-77.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2015). Taking care of the caregiver: compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 30(6), 546-548.
*+ Oman K.O., Ceballos K., Mancuso M.P. Makic M.B.F., & Fink R.M. (2016). Mentoring clinical nurses to write for publication: Strategies for success. The American Journal of Nursing, 116(5), 48-55.
*+ Padula W.V., Mishra MK, Makic M.B.F., Wald HL, Campbell JD, Nair KV, & Valuck RJ. (2015) Increased adoption of quality improvement interventions to implement evidence-based practices for pressure ulcer prevention in U.S. academic medical centers. Worldviews in Evidence Based Nursing, 12(6),328-336.
# Makic M.B.F. & Barton A. (2015). Point of care testing: ensuring accuracy. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 26(6), 306-307.
*+ Fink R.M., Makic M.B.F., Poteen A.W., & Oman K.S. (2015). The ventilated patient’s experience. Dimensions of Crit Care Nursing, 34(5), 301-308.
# Barton A.J., Makic M.B.F. (2015). Alarm safety. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 29(5), 253-254.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2015). Medical device-related pressure ulcers and intensive care patients. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 30(4), 336-337.
*+ Makic M.B.F., Rauen C, Jones K, & Fisk, A.C. (2015). Continuing to challenge practice to be evidence-based. Critical Care Nurse, 35(2): 39-50.
# Barton, A.J., Makic, M.B.F. (2015). Technology and patient safety. Clinical Nurse Specialist. 29(3), 129-130.
# Makic M.B.F. (2015). Rethinking mobility and intensive care patients. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing. 30(2),151-152.
*+ Padula, W.V., Makic, M.B.F., Wald H.M., et al. (2015). Hospital-acquired pressure ulcer incidence and variance at U.S. academic medical centers, 2008-2012: tracking changes since CMS nonpayment policy. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Safety, 41(6), 257-263.
*+ Padula W.V., Makic M.B.F., Mishra MK, Campbell JD, Nair KV, Wald HL, & Valuck RJ. (2015). Comparative effectiveness of quality improvement interventions for pressure ulcer prevention in academic medical centers in the United States. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Safety, 41(6), 246-256.
*+ Padula W.V., Valuck R.J., Makic M.B.F., & Wald H.L. (2015). Factors influencing adoption of hospital-acquired pressure ulcer prevention programs in the US Acaedmica Medical Centers. Journal of Wound Ostomy Continence Nursing, 42(4): 327-330.
*+ Bornemann-Shepherd, M., LeLazar, J., Makic, M.B.F., Devine, D., McDevitt, K., & Paul, M. (2015). Caring for Inpatient Boarders in the Emergency Department: Improving Safety and Patient and Staff Satisfaction. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 41(1), 23-29.
*+† Vejar, M., Makic, M.B.F., Kotthoff-Burrell, E. (2015) Medication management for elderly patients in an academic primary care setting: A quality improvement project. Journal of American Association Nurse Practitioners, 27(2), 72-78. .
* Ward S., Stewart D., Ford D., McFarland Mullen A., & Makic, M.B.F. (2014). Educating certified nursing assistants’ educational offerings on the run and more. Journal for Nurses Professional Development, 30(6), 296-302.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2014). Daily sedation interruption: Current state of the science. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 29(6), 501-503.
*+ Oman, K. Fink R., Kleiner K. Makic, M.B.F., Wenger B., Hoffecker L., Mancuso M., Schmiege S., & Cook P. (2014). Intradermal lidocaine or bacteriostatic normal saline to decrease pain before intravenous catheter insertion: A meta-analysis. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 29(5), 367-376. (Awarded Research Article of the Year, 2015)
# Makic, M.B.F. (2014). Preventing postsurgical venous thromboembolism. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 29(4), 317-319.
*+ Padula W.V., Mishra M.K., Makic M.B.F., & Valuck RJ. (2014) A framework of quality improvement interventions to implement evidence-based practices for pressure ulcer prevention. Adv Skin Wound Care, 27(6), 280-284:
*+ Scott, R., Oman, K., Makic, M.B.F., Fink R, Hulett, T.M., Braaten J.S., Severyn F., & Wald, H., (2014) Reducing indwelling urinary catheter use in the emergency department: A successful quality improvement initiative. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 40(3), 237-244.
* Makic, M.B.F., Rauen, C., Poteet A, & Watson, R. (2014). Examining the evidence to guide practice: Challenging practice habits. Critical Care Nurse,. 34(2), 58-68.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2014). Enhancing sleep in the critically ill perianesthesia patient. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 29(2), 140-142.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2013). Preventing delirium in postoperative patients. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 28(6), 404-408.
*+ Goode, C.J., McCarty, L.B., Fink, R.M., Oman, K.S., Makic, M.B.F., Krugman, M.E., & Traditi, L. (2013) Mapping the organization: A bibliometric analysis of nurse’ contributions to the literature. Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(9), 481-487.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2013) Surviving sepsis campaign guideline update 2012: What does it mean for perianesthesia nursing? Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 28(4), 239-243.
# Rauen, C., Hinkle, C., Baker, P., & Makic, M.B.F. (2013). With change comes perfection: certification test prep. Critical Care Nurse, 33(4): 68-72.
*+ Graves, A., VerHage, A., Richlik, B., & Makic, M.B.F. (2013). Estimated versus actual weight when dosing rt-PA in acute ischemic stroke: Is there a difference? Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 45(4): 180-185.
*+ Ceballos, K., Waterman, K., Hulett, T.,& Makic, M.B.F. (2013). Nurse-Driven quality improvement interventions to reduce hospital-acquired infection in the NICU. Advanced in Neonatal Care, 13(3), 154-163.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2013). Pain management in the nonverbal critically ill patient. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 28(2), 98-110.
* Makic, M.B.F., Rauen, C.A., & VonRueden, K.T. (2013). Questioning common nursing practices: What does the evidence show? American Nurse Today, 8(3): 10-13.
*+ Sutton, S., Link, T., & Makic, M.B.F., (2013). A quality improvement project for safe and effective patient positioning during robotic surgery. AORN, 97(4): 448-456.
*+ Fahlstrom, K., Boyle, C., & Makic, M.B.F. (2013). Implementation of a nurse-driven burn resuscitation protocol: A quality improvement project. Critical care Nurse, 33(1): 25-36.
* Weimer, S., Strabli, L., & Makic, M.B.F. (2013). Fending off disaster for a frostbite victim. American Nurse Today, 8(1), 20.
# Bortolotto, S.J. & Makic, M.B.F., (2012). Understanding advanced modes of mechanical ventilation. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 24(3), 443-456.
*+ Makic, M.B.F., Lovett, K., & Azam, M.F. (2012) Placement of an esophageal temperature probe by registered nurses. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 23(1), 24-31.
*+ Kelleher, A., Moorer, A., & Makic, M.B.F. (2012). Peer to peer nursing rounds and hospital–acquired pressure ulcer prevalence in a surgical intensive care unit: A quality improvement project. Journal of Wound and Ostomy Nursing. 39(2), 152-157. (Awarded Article of the Year, 2013)
*+ Oman, K., Makic, M.B.F., Fink, R.M., Schraeder, N., Hulett, T., & Wald, H. (2012). Nurse-directed interventions to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infections. American Journal of Infection Control, 40(6), 548-553.
* Makic, M.B.F. (2011). Management of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea during critical illness. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 22(3), 265-274.
*+ Makic, M.B.F., VonRueden, K.T., Rauen, C., & Chadwick, J. (2011). Evidence-based practice habits: Putting more sacred cows out to pasture. Critical Care Nurse, 31(2), 38-61.
*+ Padula, W.V., Manish, K.M., Makic, M.B.F., & Sullivan, P.W. (2011). Improving the quality of pressure ulcer care with prevention: A cost-effectiveness analysis. Medical Care, 49(4), 385-392.
*+ Rauen, C., Makic, M.B.F., & Bridges, B. (2009). Evidence-based practice habits: Transforming research into bedside practice. Critical Care Nurse, 29(2), 46-59.
* Holden, M., & Makic, M.B.F. (2006). Clinically induced hypothermia: why chill your patient? AACN Advanced Critical Care. 17(2), 125-132.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2004). Keeping the beat: Pacemaker therapy grows more important as the population ages.
* Flynn, M.B. (2004). Nutritional support for the burn-injured patient. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 16(1), 139-144.
# Flynn, M.B. (2002). Keeping the beat: Pacemaker therapy grows more important as the population ages. NurseWeek, p.19-21.
* Flynn, M.B., & Fink R. (2001). Committing to evidence-based skin care practice. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 13(4), 555-568.
* Flynn, M.B. (2001). Nursing and informatics: Implications for critical care practice. Critical Care Nurse, 21(4), 8-16.
# Flynn, M.B. (2000). Identifying and treating inhalation injuries in fire victims. Nursing 2000, 30(1), 32cc1-32cc8.
* Baker, S., & Flynn, M.B. (1999). Lung volume reduction surgery: A new hope for patients with emphysema. Heart & Lung, 28-(6), 455-458.
* Flynn, M.B., & Bonini, S. (1999). Blunt chest trauma. Critical Care Nurse, 19(5), 68-77.
* Flynn, M.B. (1999). Inhalation injuries. Dimensions in Critical Care Nursing, 18(4), 18-23.
* Flynn, M.B., & Luchsinger, J. (1997). Health care reform survival strategies for trauma care. Critical Care Nurse, 17(6), 81-89.
+ Tittle, M., & Flynn, M.B. (1997). Correlation of pulse oximetry and co-oximetry. Dimensions in Critical Care Nursing, 16(2), 88-95.
# Flynn, M.B. (1996). Burn care in the ICU. [video series]. Westcott Communication: Nurses Station.
* Byers, J, & Flynn, M.B. (1996). Burns: The ultimate trauma. Critical Care Nurse, 16(4), 55-65.
* Flynn, M.B. (1996). Wound healing and critical illness. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 8(2), 115-124.
* Flynn, M.B. (1994). Wound management of traumatically injured patients. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 6(3), 491-500.
*+ Flynn, M.B., Cottingham, C., Harper-Blake, L., & VonRueden, K. (1992). Correlation of pulse oximetry and co-oximetry in critically ill trauma patients. Heart & Lung, 21(3).
*peer reviewed +data based #invitational † student
+ Makic, M.B.F., (2023) “Voices from the Field,” feature in Houser, J. Nursing Research: Reading, Using, and Creating Evidence (5th ed.). Boston: Jones and Bartlett.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2023). Hearing Loss. In M.B.F. Makic & M. Martinez-Kratz (Eds.), Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 13th edition. Appendix E: Evolve Site. St. Louis, MO. Elsevier.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2023). Ineffective dry eye self-management. In M.B.F. Makic & M. Martinez-Kratz (Eds,), Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 13th edition. St. Louis, MO. Elsevier. Pp. 387-390
# Makic, M.B.F. (2023). Ineffective relationship. In M.B.F. Makic & M. Martinez-Kratz (Eds,), Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 13th edition. St. Louis, MO. Elsevier. Pp. 791-794.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2023). Risk for unstable blood pressure. In M.B.F. Makic & M. Martinez-Kratz (Eds,), Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 13th edition. St. Louis, MO. Elsevier. Pp. 171-175.
*† Cullen, C., Makic, M.B.F. (2023) Sedation. In T. Hartjes. (eds) AACN Core Curriculum for Progressive and Critical Care Nursing, 8th ed. St. Louis, MO. Elsevier. Pp. 846-860.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2022). Shock, sepsis, and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. In. J.L. Kinkle, K.H. Cheever, & K.J. Overbaugh (Eds.), Brunner & Suddarth’s textbook of medical-surgical nursing, 15th edition. Philadelphia, PA. Wolters Kluwer. Pp. 273-300.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2021). Current quality drivers. In. C.A, Oster & J.S. Braaten. (Eds.), High Reliability Organizations: A Healthcare Handbook for Patient Safety and Quality, 2nd edition. Indianapolis, IN. Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society of Nursing. Pp. 49-60. (2021 AJN Book of the Year Second Place Award in the category of Professional Issues).
* Staubli, L, Makic, M.B.F. (2021). Trauma and Surgical Management. In. M.L. Sole, D.G. Klein, J.J. Moseley, (Eds.), Introduction to critical care nursing, 8th edition. St. Louis, MO. Elsevier. Pp. 540-568.
# Makic, M.B.F., Kidd, M. (2021) Prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infection. In M. Boltz, E.Capezuti, T., Fulmer, D. Zwicker (Eds.), Evidence-based geriatric nursing protocols for best practice 6th edition. New York, NY. Spring Publishing Co. Pp. 467-484.
*# Platter, B. & Makic, M.B.F., (2020). Substance abuse and trauma care. In McQuillan, K.A., & Makic, M.B.F. (eds). Trauma Nursing from resuscitation through rehabilitation, 5th edition. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, 736-789.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2020). Improvement, evidence-based practice, and research. In Armstrong, G. & Sables-Baus, S. (eds). Leadership and Systems Improvement for the DNP. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, 95-108.
*# Makic, M.B.F., (2018) Sedation. In Hartjes, T. (ed). The Core Curriculum for High Acuity, Progressive and Critical Care Nursing, 7th ed. St. Louis, MI: Elsevier. Pp: 760-772.
*# Mamaril, M.E., Makic, M.B.F., (2018). Care of the shock trauma patient. In, Odom-Forren, J. (ed). Drain’s PeriAnesthesia Nursing: A Critical Care Approach, 7th edition. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Pp. 774-797.
Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Section Editor. In D. Weigand (Ed) AACN procedure manual 7th edition St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
# Makic, M.B.F., Staubli, L. (2017). Trauma and surgical management. In Sole, M.L., Klein, D.G., Moseley, J.M. (eds). Introduction to Critical Care Nursing, 7th edition. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. Pp. 556-583.
* Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Autonomic Dysreflexia. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 158-161.
* Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Bowel Incontinence. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 498-503.
* Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Diarrhea. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 332-338.
* Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Insomnia. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 544-547.
* Makic, M.B.F., Ackley, B. (2017). Risk for imbalanced fluid volume. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 397-401. 158-161.
* Ackley, B. Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Risk for disuse syndrome. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 338-342.
* Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Hyperthermia. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 473-478.
* Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Hypeothermia. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 478-484.
* Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Risk for Perioperative Hyperthermia. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 485-488.
* Ackley, B, Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Impaired oral mucous membrane. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 625-630.
* Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Ineffective thermoregulation. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 877-882.
* Ackley B., Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Risk for impaired liver function. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 568-572.
* Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Risk for perioperative positioning injury. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 663-666.
* Ackley, B. Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 473-478.
* Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Readiness for enhanced sleep. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 811-814.
* Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Sleep deprivation. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 814-817.
* Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Disturbed sleep pattern. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 817-819.
* Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Risk for vascular trauma. In Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier. 912-916.
#* Makic, M.B.F. (2016) Current quality drivers. In C. Oster and J. Braaten (eds). High Reliability Organizations. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International. , 49-64.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2014). Book Review: Qualitative Methods for Practice Research. Qualitative Health Research, 24(2): 288-289.
*# Makic, M.B.F. (2013). Shock, states. In S.C. Smeltzer, & B.G. Bare. (Eds.). Brunner and Suddarth's textbook of medical surgical nursing 13th edition. (pp.285-309). St. Louis, MO: Lippincott
*# Makic, M.B.F. & Ackley B. (2013). Hypothermia. In B.J. Ackley & G.B. Ladwig (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, Tenth Edition, St. Louis, MO. Elsevier. Pp. 430-434
*# Makic, M.B.F. & Ackley, B. (2013). Hyperthermia. In B.J. Ackley & G.B. Ladwig (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, Tenth Edition, St. Louis, MO. Elsevier. Pp 435-439.
*# Makic, M.B.F. & Ackley, B. (2013). Ineffective Thermoregulation. In B.J. Ackley & G.B. Ladwig (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, Tenth Edition, St. Louis, MO. Elsevier. Pp802-806
*# Makic, M.B.F. & Gray, M. (2013) Bowl Incontinence. In B.J. Ackley & G.B. Ladwig (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, Tenth Edition, St. Louis, MO. Elsevier. Pp. 470-474.
Makic, M.B.F. (2013). Content Reviewer. In B.J. Ackley B.J. & G.B. Ladwig (eds) Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, Tenth Edition, St. Louis, MO. Elsevier.
*# Makic, M.B.F. (2013). Trauma and Surgical Management. In M.L. Sole, D. Klein, & M. Mosley (eds). Introduction to Critical Care Nursing 6th edition. St. Louis, MO. Elsevier.
# Mamaril, M.E. & Makic, M.B.F. (2012). Care of the intensive care patient in the PACU. In J. Odom-Forren (ed). Drain’s PeriAnesthesia Nursing. A Critical Care Approach. 6th edition. St. (pp. 776-797). Louis, MO: Elsevier.
# Wald, H.L., Fink, R.M., Makic, M.B.F. & Oman, K.S. (2012). Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infection Prevention. In M.Boltz, E.Capezuti, T. Fulmer, D. Zwicker (eds). Evidence-based Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice. (pp. 388-418). Springer, New York, NY.
*# Makic, M.B.F. (2012). Audience Response System Item Writer, Chapters 1-76. In D. Ignatavicius & M.L. Workman (Eds). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Patient-Centered Collaborative Care 7th edition. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier
# Makic, M.B.F. & Fink, R. (2011). EBP implementation. In J. Houser & K. Oman (Eds) Evidence-based practice: An implementation guide for healthcare organizations. (pp. 187-212). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
*# Makic, M.B.F. (2011). Wound management: Excessive drainage. In D. Weigand (Ed) AACN procedure manual 6th edition (pp. 1166-1171). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
*# Makic, M.B.F. (2011). Lumbar subarachnoid catheter insertion (assist) for cerebrospinal fluid drainage and pressure monitoring. In D. Weigand (Ed) AACN procedure manual 6th edition. (pp. 826-835), St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
*# Makic, M.B.F. (2011). Wound management: Fecal containment devices and bowel management systems. In D. Weigand (Ed) AACN procedure manual 6th edition. (pp. 1175-1181). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
*# Makic, M.B.F. (2011). Wound management: Drain removal. In D. Weigand (Eds) AACN procedure manual 6th edition. (pp. 1172-1174). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
*# Makic, M.B.F. (2010). Shock, states. In S.C. Smeltzer, & B.G. Bare. (Eds.). Brunner and Suddarth's textbook of medical surgical nursing 12th edition. (pp. 313-335). St. Louis, MO: Lippincott-Raven.
*# Makic, M.B.F. (2010). Audience Response System Item Writer, Chapters 44-76. In D. Ignatavicius & M.L. Workman (Eds). Medical-surgical nursing: Patient-centered collaborative care 6th edition. St. Louis, MO. Saunders: Elsevier.
# Makic, M.B.F., Petrie, J., & Ruscin, C. (2009). How to implement an EBP program. In R., Fink, R., K., Oman, K. & M.B.F. Makic (Eds) Research and evidence-based practice manual, 2nd edition. (pp. 19-28). University of Colorado Hospital, Professional Resources, Aurora, CO.
# Fink, R., Sanders, C., & Makic, M.B.F. (2009). Organizing and analyzing data. In R., Fink, R., K., Oman, K. and M.B.F. Makic (Eds) Research and evidence-based practice manual, 2nd edition. (pp. 117-130). University of Colorado Hospital, Professional Resources, Aurora, CO.
# Platter, B., & Makic, M.B.F. (2009). Disseminating findings by podium presentation. In R., Fink, R., K., Oman, and M.B.F. Makic (Eds) Research and evidence-based practice manual, 2nd edition. (pp. 142-149). University of Colorado Hospital, Professional Resources, Aurora, CO.
*# Makic, M.B.F. (2009). Trauma and surgical management of patients. In M.L. Sole, M. Lamborn, M., & D. Klein (Eds). Introduction to critical care nursing, 4th edition. (pp. 651-682). , PA: Harcourt Health Science Elsevier.
*# Makic, M.B.F. & McQuillan, K. (2009). Wound healing and soft tissue injuries. In K. McQuillan, M.B.F. Makic, & E. Whalen (Eds.). Trauma nursing: From resuscitation through rehabilitation 4th edition. (pp. 306-328). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier.
*# Makic, M.B.F. & Carlson, K.K. (2009). Symptom management. In K.K. Carlson (Ed). Advanced Critical Care Nursing. (pp.91-110). Philadelphia, PA: Sanders Elsevier.
*# Mamaril, M.E., & Makic, M.B.F. (2008). Care of the intensive care unit patient in the PACU. In C.B. Drain & J. Odom-Forren (Eds). Perianesthesia nursing: A critical care approach 5th edition. (pp. 781-810). St. Louis MO: Saunders, Elsevier.
*# Makic, M.B.F. (2007). Shock, states. In S.C. Smeltzer & B.G. Bare (Eds.). Brunner and Suddarth's textbook of medical surgical nursing 11th edition. (pp. 306-331). St. Louis, MO: Lippincott-Raven pp.
*# Mann, E. & Makic, M.B.F. (2007). Burn injury. In J. Koziol-McLain & K. Oman (Eds). Emergency nursing secrets. (pp. 357-372). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
*# Makic, M. B.F. & McLeskey, S. (2005). Shock, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. In P. Gonce-Morton, D. Fontaine, C. Hudak & B. Gallow (eds). Critical care nursing: A holistic approach. (pp. 1152-1178). Philadelphia PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
# Flynn, M.B. (2003).Communicating the findings: oral presentation. In Oman, K.S., M.E. Krugman & E.M. Fink E (Eds) Nursing research secrets. (pp. 255-260). Philadelphia, PA: Hanley & Belfus, Inc.
*# Flynn, M.B. (2003). Host defense systems. In Emergency Nurses Association (ENA). Course in Advanced Trauma Nursing-II: A Conceptual Approach to Injury and Illness 2nd edition. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.
# Flynn, M.B. (2002). Care plans for patients with metabolic and endocrine disorders. In M. Doenges, M. Moorehouse & A. Geissler-Murr (Eds). In Nursing care plans: guidelines for individualizing patient care 6th edition. Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.
# Flynn, M.B. (2002). Shock states. In S.C. Smeltzer & B.G. Bare (Eds.). Brunner and Suddarth's textbook of medical surgical nursing 10th edition. (pp. 311-331) St. Louis, MO: Lippincott-Raven.
*# Flynn, M.B. (2002). Thermal Injuries. In K. McQuillan, K. VonRueden, R. Hartsock, M.B. Flynn & E. Whalen, E. (Eds.). Trauma nursing: From resuscitation through rehabilitation 3rd edition. (pp.788-807). Philadelphia, PA: Harcourt Health Science Corp.
*# Flynn, M.B. (2002). Wound management. In D.J. Lynn-McHale & K.K. Carlson, K.K. (Eds.). AACN procedure manual for critical care 4th edition. (pp. 832-836). Philadelphia, PA: Harcourt Health Science Corp.
*# Flynn, M.B. (1998). Shock states. In S.C. Smeltzer & B.G. Bare (Eds.). Brunner and Suddarth's textbook of medical surgical nursing 9th edition. (pp. 301-327). St. Louis, MO: Lippincott-Raven.
*# Flynn, M.B., Bonini, S., & Oman, K. (1997). Shock states. In C.M. Hudak, B.M. Gallo & P.M. Gonce. Critical care nursing: A holistic approach 7th edition. St. Louis, MO: Lippincott-Raven.
*peer reviewed +data based #invitational † student
# Makic, M.B.F., & Martinez-Kratz, M. (2023). Editor. Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 13th edition. St. Louis, MO. Elsevier.
*# M.L. Sole, D.G. Klein, J.J. Moseley , Makic, M.B.F., Morata, L.T. Associate Editor. (2021) Introduction to Critical Care Nursing, 8th edition. St. Louis, MO. Elsevier.
*# McQuillan, K., Makic, M.B.F. (2020). Editor. Trauma Nursing: From resuscitation through rehabilitation 5th edition. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
*# Ackley, B., Ladwig G.B., & Makic, M.B.F., Martinez-Kratz, M.R., Zanotti, M. (2020). Editor. Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 12th edition. St. Louis, MO. Elsevier.
*# Ladwig, G.B., Ackley, B.J., Makic, M.B.F., Martinez-Kratz, M., Zanotti. M. (2020). Editor. Mosby’s guide to nursing diagnosis, 6th edition. St. Louis, MO., Elsevier.
*# Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Section Editor. In D. Weigand (Ed) AACN Procedure Manual 7th Edition. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
* Ackley, B.J., Ladwig, G.B., Makic, M.B.F. (eds) (2017). Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
*# Ackley, B., Ladwig G.B., & Makic, M.B.F. (2017). Editor. Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence-Based Guide to Planning Care, 11th edition. Maryland Heights, MO. Elsevier.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2016-2018) Contributing editor. American Journal of Nursing.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2013-current) Critical Care Column Contributor Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2015) Information technology and the Clinical Nurse Specialist, Column Contributor Barton A, column editor, Clinical Nurse Specialist.
# Fink, R., Oman, K., Makic, M.B.F. (2014). Research and Evidence-Based Practice Manual, 3nd Edition. University of Colorado Hospital, Professional Resources.
*# Makic, M.B.F. (2014). Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing for Ignatavicius & Workman: Medical –Surgical Nursing, 7e.
*# Sole, M.L., Desmarais, P., Galura, S., Howe, L., LaManna, J., & Makic, M.B.F. (2013). Evolve Electronic Instructor Resources for Introduction to Critical Care Nursing. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders.
*# Sole, M.L., Desmarais, P., Galura, S., Howe, L., LaManna, J., & Makic, M.B.F. (2013). Evolve Online Student Study Guide for Introduction to Critical Care Nursing. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders.
*# Makic, M.B.F. (2011). Section Symposium Editor: Symptom Management. AACN Advanced Critical Care, 22(3).
*# Makic, M.B.F. Section Editor (2011). In D. Weigand (Ed) AACN Procedure Manual 6th Edition. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
# Fink, R., Oman, K., Makic, M.B.F. (2009). Research and Evidence-Based Practice Manual, 2nd Edition. University of Colorado Hospital, Professional Resources.
*# Makic, M.B.F. & Mann, E. (2009). Thermal injuries. In K. McQuillan, M.B.F. Makic, & E. Whalen (Eds.). Trauma nursing: From resuscitation through rehabilitation 4th edition. (pp. 865-886). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier.
* McQuillan, K. Makic, M.B.F., & Whalen, E. (2009). Trauma Nursing: From resuscitation through rehabilitation (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Harcourt Health Science Corp.
*# Flynn, M.B. (Guest editor) (2004). Burn and wound care. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. 16(1).
* McQuillan, K., VonRueden, K., Hartsock, R., Flynn, M.B., & Whalen, E. (2002). Trauma Nursing: From resuscitation through rehabilitation 3rd edition. Philadelphia, PA: Harcourt Health Science Corp.
*# Flynn, M.B. (Guest editor) (1996). Wound Healing. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. 8(2).
*peer reviewed +data based #invitational † student
*+ Oja, K., Boyle, K., Makic, M.B.F. (October 2023). Nurse leaders experience with hybrid work schedules. (Podium presentation). Rocky Mountain Evidence-Based Practice and Research Symposium, Denver, CO.
*† Kessinger, S., Makic, M.B.F., Reed, S. (June 2023) Analysis of the bureaucratic caring and ecological system theories and application to nurse retention research. (Poster presentation) International Association for Human Caring, Virtual Conference
* Makic, M.B.F. & Mulkey, D. (May, 2023). Starting Now: Connecting Evidence-Based Practice with Quality Improvement Tools. (Podium presentation). American Association of Critical Care Nurses, National Teaching Institute, Philadelphia, PA
* Makic, M.B.F., Bridges, E., & Timmerman, R. (May, 2023). Starting Now, Leading Practice by Removing Practice Habits American Association of Critical Care Nurses, National Teaching Institute, Philadelphia, PA.
*† Kessinger, S., Makic, M.B.F., Reed, S. (April 2023) Theory analysis and integration: Creating a multi-level nurse-retention framework. (Poster presentation) Western Institute of Nursing, Tucson, AZ.
#† Medero, K., Goers, J., & Makic, M.B.F. (February 2023). Evaluation of a charge nurse leadership development program. (Poster presentation). CU Nursing Conference of Research and Scholarship, College of Nursing, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO.
# Makic, M.B.F., Goldberg, D., Armstrong, G., Fish, D., Glover, J., Spencer, T., & Wynia W. (2022). National trends and current ethics of just culture: An interprofessional dialogue. (Grand Rounds). College of Nursing, Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO.
# Makic, M.B.F., & Jones, J. (November 2022). Innovative teaching strategies for a multi-generational workforce. (Keynote presentation). 15th Annual Centura Evidence-Based Practice, Research, and Innovation Conference: Lighting our path forward. Centennial, CO.
# Malone, A., Slivinski, A., & Makic, M.B.F. (June 2022). The CNS role in dissemination. (Webinar Presentation) National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists.
# Makic, M.B.F. (May 2022). Spirit of curiosity: The time is now. (Keynote presentation) Nebraska Methodist College, Omaha NE.
# Makic, M.B.F. (May 2022). Leading forward: Sharing your vision and disseminating lessons learned. (Closing Keynote presentation) Nebraska Methodist College, Omaha NE.
* Makic, M.B.F., Rauen, C.A., & Knippa, S. (May 2022). Ensure your practice is rooted in evidence. (Podium presentation) American Association of Critical Care Nurses, National Teaching Institute, Houston, TX.
* Makic, M.B.F. (May 2022). Strengthening your practice: Connecting evidence-based practice with quality improvement tools. (Podium presentation) American Association of Critical Care Nurses, National Teaching Institute, Houston, TX.
*† Wild, K., & Makic, M.B.F. (April 2022). Decreasing hospital acquired pressure injuries during COVID-19 pandemic. (Poster Presentation) Western Institute of Nursing, San Diego, CA.
*+ Makic, M.B.F., Casey, K., & Oja, K. (October 2021). Graduate nurses lived experience transitioning to practice during a pandemic. (Poster Presentation) American Academy of Nursing and the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science (CANS), Virtual Conference.
*+ Casey, K., Oja, K., & Makic, M.B.F. (August 2021) Aspire to be a qualitative researcher: Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on graduate nurses. (Poster Presentation) Association for Nursing Professional Development (ANPD) Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois.
* Estes, K., Bowler, F., Makic, M.B.F., & Pal, A. (July 2021). Infusing simulation into APRN education in the midst of a global pandemic. (Poster Presentation) National Nurse Practitioner Symposium, Keystone, Colorado.
* Pal, A., Makic, M.B.F., Bowler, F., & Estes, K. (April 2021). Simulation 2.0: Virtual clinical learning experienced through simulation for APRN students. (Podium Presentation) The 47th Annual Conference: New Frontiers for NP Education. NONPF, Virtual Conference.
* Makic, M.B.F., Estes, K., Pal, A., & Bowler, F. (December 2020). Technology innovations to develop integrated simulation experiences for diverse APRN students. (Poster Presentation) AACN Fall Faculty Forum. American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Virtual Conference.
# Makic, M.B.F. (September 2020) Translating evidence into frontline practice to optimize patient outcomes. (Keynote Presentation) University of Missouri, Nursing Outreach, 13th Evidence-Based Practice on the Front Line: Building a Culture of Quality, Safety, and Nursing Professionalism. University of Missouri, Virtual Conference.
# Makic, M.B.F. (September 2020) Evidence-based practice habits: Using evidence to improve practice. (Podium Presentation) University of Missouri, Nursing Outreach, 13th Evidence-Based Practice on the Front Line: Building a Culture of Quality, Safety, and Nursing Professionalism. University of Missouri, Virtual Conference.
# Makic, M.B.F. (November 2019) Path to practice innovations through evidence-based practice. Emory HealthCare System Annual Research and Evidence-Based Practice Conference, Emory Healthcare and Emory School of Nursing Collaborative, Atlanta, GA. (Keynote Presentation)
* Makic, M.B.F. (November 2019). Creative synergy: Melding change leadership, quality improvement, and evidence-based practice. Omicron Delta Sigma PreConference, SIGMA 45th Biennial Convention, Washington, D.C. (Workshop Presenter)
# Makic, M.B.F. (September 2019). Evidence-based practice adoption: The new norm. Health Innovation Institute at Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX. (Keynote Presentation)
#+ Makic, M.B.F., & Cook, P. (September 2019). Physical activity in people living with HIV: Patterns and predictors based on daily sensor data. (Podium Presentation) College of Nursing Research and Scholarship Symposium, Aurora, CO.
# Makic, M.B.F,. Hernandez, T., & Oman, K., (May 2019). Academic-community hospital partnerships: The Colorado nurse scientist alliance. (Podium Presentation) National Pediatric Nurse Scientist Collaborative Fly-In, Aurora, CO.
*+† Gilbert, D., Makic, M.B.F., Cook, P., Jankowski, C., & Al-Salmi, N. (April 2019). Intuitive-level processes predict fatigue symptoms in HIV. (Podium Presentation) Western Institute of Nursing, San Diego, CA.
*+ Cook, P., Makic, M.B.F., Aagaard, L., Gilbert, D., Starr, Wh., Al-Salmi, N. (November 2018). Fatigue in HIV: Within and between person variability in symptoms and self-management behaviors. Association of Nurses in AIDS care. Denver, CO. (Poster Presentation)
* Shaw, K., Sables-Baus, S., Makic, M.B.F. (September 2018). Evidence-based evaluation strategies of DNP outcomes. DNP Conference, Palm Springs, CA. (Podium Presentation)
# Makic, M.B.F., (September 2018) Translating best evidence into daily practice. Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing International Exchange Program. United States Tour, Guest lecturer. Aurora, CO.
# Makic, M.B.F. (April 2018). 25 years of EBP: A silver lining. University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics. Iowa City, IA. (Keynote Presentation)
# Makic, M.B.F. (April 2018). Gap Analysis Methods. University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics. Iowa City, IA. (Podium Presentation)
# Makic, M.B.F. (April 2018). Know the evidence to be nimble. University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics. Iowa City, IA. (Podium Presentation)
# Makic, M.B.F. (April 2018) Be the Spark leading Evidence-Based Practice. Azusa Pacific University School of Nursing. Azusa, CA. (Keynote Presentation)
# Makic, M.B.F., (March 2018) Translating best evidence into daily practice. Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing International Exchange Program. United States Tour, Guest lecturer. Aurora, CO.
# Makic, M.B.F., (September 2017) Translating best evidence into daily practice. Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing International Exchange Program. United States Tour, Guest lecturer. Aurora, CO.
*+ Reeder, B., Ozkaynak, M., Makic, M.B.F. (November 2017). Examining nurses’ use of electronic health records to document symptoms in acute care settings. AMIA Annual Symposium. Washington, D.C. (Poster presentation)
# Makic, M.B.F. (February 2017). Take control: Evidence-based practice for the bedside nurse. Interdisciplinary Collaboration Group, Denver, CO. (Podium presentation)
# Makic, M.B.F. (November 2016). Improving Patient Outcomes Through Application of Best Evidence. Centra Virginia Henderson Nursing Research Symposium, Lynchburg, VA. (Keynote presentation).
# Makic, M.B.F. (October 2016). Strategies to Reduce Hospital-Acquired Conditions. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium, 14th Annual. Denver, CO. (Podium presentation).
# Makic, M.B.F. (September 2016). Translating Best Evidence into Daily Practice. Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing International Exchange Program. United States Tour, Guest lecturer. Aurora, CO.
# Makic, M.B.F. (August 2016). Role of Research Nurse Scientist. University of Human Environments, Nagoya Japan United States Tour, Guest lecturer, Aurora, CO.
*+ Weimer, S., Burleson, J., Bell, C., Mancuso, M., Makic, M.B.F. (May 2016). End-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring effectiveness during burn wound care in non-intubated patients. American Burn Association Annual Meeting. Chicago Il. (Poster presentation-awarded best in category research)
# Makic, M.B.F., Knippa, S. (May 2016). PCCN Review Course. American Association of Critical Care Nurses, National Teaching Institute, New Orleans, LA (Podium presentation/workshop).
# Makic, M.B.F., Knippa, S. (May 2016). Successfully Disseminating Project Outcomes. American Association of Critical Care Nurses, National Teaching Institute, New Orleans, LA (Podium presentation).
# Makic, M.B.F., Kelleher, A, Bueno, E. (May 2016). Lets do it! Moving best evidence into daily practice. American Association of Critical Care Nurses, National Teaching Institute, New Orleans, LA (Podium presentation/workshop).
*+ Ozkaynak, M., Reeder, B., Hoffecker, L., Makic, M.B.F., Sousa, K. (November 2015). Nurses’ use of the EHR system to document symptoms in inpatient settings: Preliminary systematic review results. American Medical Informatics Association Annual Symposium, San Francisco, CA. (Poster presentation)
# Makic M.B.F. (October 2015). Translating best evidence into daily practice: Improving patient outcomes. Colorado Nurses Association, District #20. Denver, CO. (Podium presentation)
* Makic, M.B.F., Rauen C., (May 2015). Improving practice through EBP. Moving sacred cows out to pasture. American Association of Critical Care Nurses, National Teaching Institute, San Diego, CA. (Podium presentation).
# Rauen, C., Makic, M.B.F. (May 2015). PCCN Review Course. American Association of Critical Care Nurses, National Teaching Institute, San Diego, CA. (Podium presentation/workshop).
*+# Staubli, L., Turner, M., Makic, M.B.F. (April 2015). Fueling the frontline improves quality of care and CAUTI outcomes. American Burn Association 47th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL (Poster presentation)
*+ Weimer, S., Bell, C., Makic, M.B.F. (April 2015). Sedation management during burn wound care, a descriptive study. 27th Annual Rocky Mountain Research and Evidence-Based Practice Symposium, Denver, CO.
*+ Steward, D., Pearson, J., Wong, M., Makic. M.B.F. (April 2015). Improving patient engagement in discharge medication education. 27th Annual Rocky Mountain Research and Evidence-Based Practice Symposium, Denver, CO.
# Makic, M.B.F., (November 2014). Challenging routines in practice. Stanford Hospital and Clinics. San Francisco, CA. (Education seminar).
# Makic, M.B.F. (November 2014). Non-valued added routines. Stanford Medicine, 8th annual SUMC summit for clinical excellence, San Francisco, CA. (Nurse Leader Keynote Speaker).
*# Fink, R., Mancuso, M., Oman, K, Brock M., Makic M.B.F., Sandoval, M. (October 2014). Developing and disseminating a research and evidence-based practice tool kit. ANCC National Magnet Conference. Dallas, TX. (Podium presentation).
# Makic M.B.F., (October 2014). Cultivating the evidence into your practice and career. Lutheran Medical Center, SCL Health. Denver, CO. (Keynote presentation).
* Makic M.B.F., Rauen, C., Jones, K., Fisk A. (May 2014). Evidence-Based Practice: Improving Practice by Moving Sacred Cows Out to Pasture. American Association of Critical Care Nurses, National Teaching Institute, Denver, CO. (Podium presentation; repeated session x 2).
* Makic M.B.F., Kelleher, A.D. (May 2014). Engaging Nurses in Writing for Publication. American Association of Critical Care Nurses, National Teaching Institute, Denver, CO. (Podium presentation).
*+ Brainard, J., Makic, M.B., Dingmann, C., Ventre, K, Sullivan, S., Scott, B. Clinical Impact of an Education Course for Hospital Rapid Response Teams. Society of Critical Care Medicine Congress. San Francisco, CA, January 9, 2014 (poster presentation).
*+ Padula WV, Makic M.B., Mishra MK, Campbell JD, Nair KV, Wald HM, Valuck RJ. Comparative Effectiveness of Quality Improvement Interventions for Pressure Ulcer Prevention in US Hospitals. Society of Medical Decision Making, 35th Annual Meeting. October 20, 2013, Baltimore, MD.
*+ Barron M., Makic M.B.F., Burton L., Hulett T., Schomer K. (October 2013). Efficacy and Cost of Basinless Baths Compared to Chlorhexidine Bathing to Reduce Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) Infectious Disease Week 2013, San Francisco, CA. (Poster presentation).
*+ Goode, C.G., McCarty, L.B., Fink, R., Oman, K.S., Makic, M.B., Krugman, M.E. Traditi, L. (October 2013). Mapping the Organization: A Bibliometric Analysis of Nurses’ Contributions to the Literature. Poster Presentation, 40th Annual American Academy of Nursing Conference, Washington D.C.
* Oman, K.S., Fink, R., Makic, M.B., Cellabos, K. (October 2013). Engaging Nurses in Writing for Publication. Podium presentation, ANCC National Magnet Conference, Orlando, FL.
* Makic, M.B., Oman, K.S., Fink, R. (October 2013) Translating Research into Practice. Podium presentation, ANCC National Magnet Conference, Orlando, FL.
* Fink, R., Oman, K.S., Makic, M.B. (October 2013) Journal Club: Raising the Bar. Poster presentation, ANCC National Magnet Conference, Orlando, FL.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2013). What is your practice based on? Best evidence or tradition? Keynote address. Phoenix Nursing Research Festival. Phoenix AZ.
# Makic M.B.F. (2013). Evidence-based Practice Sacred Cows. Denver Chapter AACN Fall Symposium, Lakewood, CO.
*+ Tung, D., Abel C., Makic M.B.F., et al. (2013, June). Is there a link between use of silver-coated urinary catheters and a lower CAUTI rate? Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Baltimore, MD. (Poster presentation).
* Makic M.B.F. (2013, May). Evidence-Based Practice: Improving Practice by Killing Sacred Cows VI. National Teaching Institute, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Boston, MA.
*+ Makic M.B.F., Barron M., Burton L., Hulett T., Schomer K. (2013, May). Basinless baths to reduce hospital acquired infections. National Teaching Institute, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Boston, MA. (Poster presentation).
* Kleiner, C., Makic M.B.F. (March 2013). CAUTI reduction through interdisciplinary collaboration: EBP strategies for success. AORN Congress. San Diego, CA.
*+ Makic M.B.F., Burton, L. (March 2013). Basinless baths and chlorhexidine bathing to reduce hospital acquired infections. 24th Annual Rocky Mountain Research and Evidence-Based Practice Symposium, Denver, CO.
*+ Oman, K., Fink, R., Makic, M.B.F. (March, 2013). A meta-analysis of Lidocaine versus bacteriostatic normal saline as intradermal Anesthesia prior to IV catheter insertion. 24th Annual Rocky Mountain Research and Evidence-Based Practice Symposium, Denver, CO.
# Makic M.B.F. (2013, January). Prevention of Pressure Ulcers. The Hospital Engagement Network Collaborative Meeting. Puerto Rico Hospital Association, Ponce, Puerto Rico.
# Makic M.B.F. (2013, January). Evidence-based practice implementation for the bedside nurse. Keynote Address. The Justin Parker Neurological Institute and Boulder Neurosurgical & Spine Associated 2nd Annual Meeting. Broomfield, CO.
* Fink, R., Makic M.B.F., Oman, K., Kleiner, C. (2012, October). Making evidence-based practice come alive. ANCC National Magnet Conference, Los Angeles, CA. (Poster presentation).
* Makic, M.B.F., Barron, M. (2012, October). Basinless baths to reduce hospital-acquired infections. ANCC National Magnet Conference, Los Angeles, CA. (Poster presentation).
# Makic, M.B.F. (September 2012). Challenging the sacred cows: The evidence behind common nursing practices. 10th Annual Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium, Denver, CO.
# Makic, M.B.F. (September 2012). Nursing role in reducing hospital-acquired infections. 10th Annual Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium, Denver, CO.
*+ Thomson, A., Makic, M.B.F. (2012, May). Evidence-based ICU visitation guideline: Practice change based on evidence. AACN National Teaching Institute, Orlando, FL.
*+ Rauen, C., Makic, M.B.F. (2012, May). PCCN Review. All day seminar/podium presentation for the National Teaching Institute, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Orlando, FL.
*+# Thomson, A., Makic, M.B.F. (2012, March). Evidence-based ICU visitation guideline: Practice change based on evidence. 23rd Annual Rocky Mountain Research and EBP Symposium, Aurora, CO.
*+ Jones. J., Makic, M.B.F. (2012, March). Delirium in the ICU: An exploratory study. 23rd Annual Rocky Mountain Research and EBP Symposium, Aurora, CO.
*+# Kelleher, A, Moorer, A, Makic, M.B.F. (2012, January). Quality improvement project: Decreasing HAPU through nursing rounds. (Accepted for Poster presentation). American Nurses Association’s (ANA) National Center for Nursing Quality, Las Vegas, Nevada.
*+ Fink, R., Makic, M.B.F., Oman, K., Kleiner, C. (2011, October). Reducing catheter-associated urinary tract infections with nurse-driven interventions. ANCC National Magnet Conference, Baltimore, MD.
# Rauen, C. Makic, M.B. F., Rauen, Burns S. (2011, May). Evidence-based practice: killing the sacred cows part V. National Teaching Institute, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Chicago, IL.
*# Potette Will, A. (2011, May). Managing pain in non-verbal patients. National Teaching Institute, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Chicago, IL. (Mentored lecture: Mentor, Makic, M.B.F.)
*#+ Makic, M.B.F., Lovett, K., Azam, F. (2011, May). Placement of an esophageal temperature probe by registered nurses (Research poster presentation). National Teaching Institute, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Chicago, Ill.
*#+ Fink, R., Poette, A., Makic, M.B.F., Petrie, J., Krumbach, B., Oman, K. (2011, May) Ventilated Patient’s Perception of Pain. (Research Poster presentation) National Teaching Institute, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Chicago, Ill.
*#+ Sutton S, Makic, M.B.F., Link, T. (2011, March) Positioning with foam or air for steep trendelenburg positioning during robotic surgery. (QI project poster presentation) AORN Congress, Philadelphia, PA.
*#+ Link T, Soison A, Makic, M.B.F., (2011, March). Shared Governance in a day surgery. (Research poster presentation). AORN Congress, Philadelphia, PA.
*+ Makic, M.B.F., Lovett, K. (2011, March). Placement of an esophageal temperature probe by registered nurses. 22nd Annual Rocky Mountain Regional Multidisciplinary Research & EBP Symposium, Aurora, CO.
*+ Makic, M.B.F., & Oman, K. (2011, March). Decision Support to Reduce Urinary Catheter Insertions and Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTIs) 22nd, Annual Rocky Mountain Regional Multidisciplinary Research & EBP Symposium, Aurora, CO.
# Makic, M.B.F., Johnson, S. (2010, October). Controversies in Nursing. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium, Denver, Colorado
* Makic, M.B.F., Rauen, C., VonRueden, K., and Chadwick, J. (2010, May). Evidence-based practice: killing the sacred cows part IV. National Teaching Institute, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Washington, D.C.
*# Padula, WV, Mishra, MK, Makic, M.B.F., Sullivan, PW. (2009, October) A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for the Prevention of Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers. Society of Medical Decision Making; Hollywood, CA.
*+# Makic, M.B.F. (2009, March). Prevention of Pressure Ulcers & Skin and Wound Management Programs. Rocky Mountain Hospital Medicine Symposium, Denver, CO.
*# Rauen, C., Makic, M.B.F., VonRueden, K., & Shumate, P. (2009, May). Evidence-based practice: killing the sacred cows part III. National Teaching Institute, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, New Orleans, LA.
*# Vollman, K., Sole, M., Makic, M.B.F., Pierson, G., Posa, P. (2009, May). What would Florence do in 2009? Application of evidence-based fundamental nursing care. National Teaching Institute, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, New Orleans, LA.
*#+ Makic, M.B.F. (2008, October) Critical care nurses’ and patients’ perceptions of evidence-based pressure ulcer interventions. Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, Washington, D.C.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2008, September). Infusing Evidence into Your Practice: Developing Evidence-Based Protocols. Advances in Transplantation, Denver, CO.
# Makic, M.B.F. (2008, May). Never Events: Preventing Pressure Ulcers and Alternations in Skin. National Teaching Institute, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Chicago, IL.
*# Rauen, C., Makic, M.B.F., & Bridges, E. (2008, May). Sacred cows: Practicing by best-evidence. National Teaching Institute, American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Chicago, IL.
*# Krugman, M & Makic, M.B.F. (2008, March). Improving patient outcomes through evidence-based practice. 19th Annual Rocky Mountain Regional Multidisciplinary Research & EBP Symposium, Aurora, CO.
*#+ Makic, M.B.F. (2008, March) Critical care nurses’ and patients’ perceptions of evidence-based pressure ulcer interventions. 19th Annual Rocky Mountain Regional Multidisciplinary Research & EVP Symposium, Aurora, CO.
*# Oman, K., & Makic, M.B.F. (2007, October). EBP: involving the bedside nurse. NDNQI Conference. Las Vegas, NA.
* Makic, M.B.F., Slibeck, N. (2006, March). Sharing the Evidence in the Clinical Setting. 17th Annual Rocky Mountain Multidisciplinary & Evidence-based Practice Research Symposium, Denver, CO.
*#+ Makic, M.B.F., Oman, K., Holden, M., Waite, K., Burton, L., & Sanders, C. (2006, March). Nursing Directed Interventions to Reduce Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in the ICU. 17th Annual Rocky Mountain Multidisciplinary & Evidence-based Practice Research Symposium, Denver, CO.
*# Bolton, P., & Makic, M.B.F. (2005, May) PCCN Review Course. Two day oral presentation for the meeting of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses, New Orleans, Louisiana.
# Krugman, M., Flynn, M.B. (2004, May). Introduction to Evidence Based Practice. Porter Hospital, Denver, CO.
*# Flynn, M.B., Bonini, S., Everhart, E., & Eaton, L. (2003, May). Heart failure: Current therapies for a failing heart. Oral presentation for the meeting of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses, San Antonio, TX
*# Flynn, M.B., & Fink. R. (2003, May). Evidence Based Skin Care Practice. Poster presentation for the meeting of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses, San Antonio, TX.
# Flynn, M.B. (2002, October). Evidence based skin practice. In Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins Skin and Wound Care, Dallas, TX. (Unable to present for personal reasons.)
*+ Flynn, M.B., & Fink, R. (2002, March). Evidence based practice: Climbing to new heights. Oral presentation for the symposium conducted at the meeting of the UCH and UCHSC 13th annual Research Symposium, Denver, CO.
*# Flynn, M.B., Bonini, S., Everhart, E., & Eaton, L. (2002, May). Heart failure: Current therapies for a failing heart. Oral presentation for the meeting of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Atlanta, GA.
# Flynn, M.B. (2002, February). I can't breathe. Oral presentation for the meeting at the Centennial Area Health Education Center, Greeley, CO.
* Flynn, M.B. (2001, July). Competency Testing: As easy as 1, 2, 3, or is it? Oral presentation for the meeting of the National Nursing Staff Development Organization, Las Vegas, NV.
*+ Flynn, M.B., & Fink, R. (2001, October). Disparity in nursing assessment of skin breakdown. Oral presentation for the symposium conducted at the University of Colorado Hospital and Health Science Center, School of Nursing Research Symposium, Denver, CO.
*+ Flynn, M.B., & Fink, R. (2001, October). Evidence based skin care practice: Involving the bedside nurse. Oral presentation for the meeting of the Mayo Clinic Quest for Quality Conference, Rochester, MN.
*+ Flynn, M.B. (2001, May). Evidence based practice: Getting the bedside nurse involved. Oral presentation for the meeting of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Anaheim, CA.
# Flynn, M.B. (2001, July). Redesigning Orientation. Oral presentation for the meeting of the Kansas Nursing Education and Staff Development, Topeka, KS.
*+ Flynn, M.B. (1998, March). AACN Thunder II Project Research Poster Presentation. Poster session presented at University Hospital, Denver, CO.
# Flynn, M.B. (1998, May). How to become an NTI speaker. Oral presentation for the meeting of the AACN/NTI, Los Angeles, CA.
# Flynn, M.B. (1997, May). Trauma in the 90's. Oral presentation for the meeting of the AACN/NTI, Orlando, FL.
# Flynn, M.B. (1996, March). Sepsis and SIRS in the PACU. Oral presentation for the meeting of the Rocky Mountain Perioperative Nurses Association, Greeley, CO
*+ Flynn, M.B. (1995, May). A correlation of finger and ear pulse oximetry with direct co-oximetry in critically III adults. Poster session presented at the meeting of the AACN/NTI, New Orleans, LA.
# Flynn, M.B. (1993, September). DIC. Oral presentation for the meeting of the AACN Manasota Chapter Third Annual Pearls for Critical Care, St. Petersburg, FL.
#+ Flynn, M.B. (1992, May). Correlation of pulse oximetry and direct co-oximetry in critically III trauma patients. Poster session presented at the meeting of the AACN/NTI, New Orleans, LA.
# Flynn, M.B. (1991, May). Wound healing and dressing management. Oral presentation for the meeting of Unit Based In-Service Shock Trauma, Baltimore, MD.
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