Do you have a question or need assistance? Our directory provides a list of CU Nursing faculty and staff members. Some faculty profiles include links to research and a brief biography, so you can learn more about their expertise.
Education II North
13120 East 19th Avenue
Aurora, CO 80045
Kristi was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska, and attended Nebraska Wesleyan University where she earned a bachelor’s degree in communication studies. She credits the kind and supportive faculty and staff there for encouraging her to consider a career in higher education (ask her about how higher education – it’s a good story that ends with an 18-year-old Kristi crying and saying, ‘please don’t call my mom’).
Kristi’s career took her to different parts of the US, including North Carolina, Texas, and Las Vegas, where she earned a master’s degree from UNLV.
Kristi is also a dog mom to a fabulous doodle mix named Mr. Furley. She enjoys spending with family and friends, listening to the Hamilton soundtrack, waiting for the next Marvel movie, crafting, traveling, and extending her Wordle streak.