Student comes full circle, from patient to student
Trisha Buck | College of Nursing Oct 18, 2018When Josi Berry delivered her second child at the University of Colorado Center for Midwifery (CFM) the experience was so inspiring that she decided to become a nurse midwife.
Berry has been in the CU College of Nursing’s midwifery program for two years. She believes that everybody deserves a midwife—offering evidence-based care that is also personalized towards the mother and her family.
“I am coming full circle to work as a nurse midwife. I love the model of care, the women’s health integration, and diving into something I am passionate about, “ she said.
Berry’s first pregnancy had complications resulting in a caesarean section, and after that experience she knew her next birth would need a different plan. When she delivered her second child with UNM, she was able to birth naturally.
She remembers her nurse-midwife turning to her, letting her know how her body was meant to do this, everything was going to be okay, and that she was strong enough to do this. “It really empowered me as a mother and as a woman,” Berry said.
Not only was the support incredible, but she also was appreciative of her environment. Josi wanted a tub in her birth plan, and they set up everything she needed, on her timetable.
“You get into your own world when in labor, and being able to look up and feel safe with the midwives was very reassuring,“ she said.
From birth to post-partum care, the midwives at the University of Colorado have been integrated into Josi’s family. The care she received at CFM solidified who she was meant to be a nurse midwife.