Illustration drawing of the Western United States

Western states residents eligible for special tuition savings

CU Nursing offers reduced tuition to students whose permanent residences are within one of the 15 Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) states or territories. Students are eligible to receive reduced tuition throughout their program if they stay in good standing and follow their requirements.

Email Admissions and Student Affairs with questions about the reduced tuition program.

Who can apply?

Undergraduate students

Good news if you're from a Western state or territory! You might qualify for a tuition discount through the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) if offered admission to our Traditional, UCAN, or FLC undergraduate pathways.

With WUE, you could save up to $150 on every credit hour you take. Your tuition would be set at 150% of what Colorado residents pay (without College Opportunity Fund discounts), which means significant savings for you!

Graduate and PhD students

If you’re a graduate or PhD student in some of our programs living in a state or territory within the WICHE, you can receive the Colorado resident tuition rate instead of paying out-of-state tuition through the Western Graduate Regional Program (WRGP). Interested students are encouraged to review the state authorization information before applying to ensure admissions eligibility. The following programs participate in the WRGP:

Things to remember

There are some important things to remember when seeing if you’re eligible for reduced tuition through WICHE.

  • To be considered for the program, you must submit the WUE/WRGP application that is available in your new student Canvas course shell. Please note your initial residency verification form must be submitted and processed, and your initial residency classification must be updated in our student record system
  • Our student affairs team will send you a link to the application when you’re admitted to CU Nursing
  • If you receive the WUE rate you are ineligible to apply for in-state tuition unless you relinquish the WUE status and pay out-of-state tuition for 12 months. Learn more by visiting the Registrar’s website
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