Section V
Academic Standing & Progression, Undergraduate & Graduate

This handbook is focused on policies, procedures, and information for you as a student, whether undergraduate or graduate. New and revised policies are published as they are approved. Please direct any questions about the handbook to

CU Nursing simulation lab classroom

The faculty are charged by the CU Board of Regents with responsibility for the quality of education of each individual student. Inherent in this responsibility is the assessment of individual progression based on both academic and professional standards.

Any student may be subject to immediate Suspension, Dismissal, or Expulsion when in the judgment of the faculty, in consultation with the Associate Dean of Academic Programs, Dean of CU Nursing, and other appropriate CU officials, the safety and welfare of CU, the public, and/or patients warrant such action. No student shall be suspended, dismissed, or expelled without the opportunity to petition through the Student Affairs Committee (SAC), except in those situations that involve allegations of violations of local, state, or federal law, which do not fall within SAC purview.

Grounds for Suspension, Dismissal, or Expulsion include but are not limited to, demonstrable behavior contrary to ethical and professional nursing standards, neglect of clinical responsibilities, impairment in classroom and clinical settings due to drug and/or alcohol use, poor academic performance, or violation of the standards of conduct established by the CU Board of Regents.

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