Two female and male college students sitting on bench discussing classroom work

CU Nursing and CU Anschutz Medical Campus events
Enhance your student experience

Take advantage of opportunities to get involved and meet students from other schools and colleges within CU Anschutz Medical Campus. You’ll find a variety of events throughout the year, including speakers, lectures, workshops, and fun activities, so you can feel a part of the CU Nursing and CU Anschutz communities.

See the Anschutz Medical Campus calendar of events.

CU Nursing event calendar

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

| 12:00 PM - 02:30 PM
Noon-1:00 pm Mountain Standard Time:
"How Healers Became Killers: Nazi Doctors and Modern Medical Ethics,"
a presentation by Matthew Wynia, MD, MPH.   

1:00-2:30 pm Mountain Standard Time:  
Challenges and Opportunities in Teaching the Legacy of the Holocaust to Health Professions Students.
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