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CU Nursing and CU Anschutz Medical Campus events
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Take advantage of opportunities to get involved and meet students from other schools and colleges within CU Anschutz Medical Campus. You’ll find a variety of events throughout the year, including speakers, lectures, workshops, and fun activities, so you can feel a part of the CU Nursing and CU Anschutz communities.

See the Anschutz Medical Campus calendar of events.

CU Nursing event calendar

Lunch & Learn: Next Generation NCLEX 7/27

| 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
The Next Generation NCLEX is here! Come learn how to integrate the NCSBN Clinical Judgement Measurement Model into your clinical instruction for students. This will be an interactive time where you are invited to come with ideas and questions. Get ready to enhance your student’s clinical experience.

Presenter Bio: Teresa Connolly PhD, RN ACNS-BC
Dr. Connolly has been a nurse for 17 years as a neuroscience nurse. She has been teaching for over 10 years and is currently an assistant professor at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus College of Nursing. She teaches in both the graduate and undergraduate courses. Part of her teaching time is as a clinical instructor for undergraduate nurses. Over the past few years she has provided frequent lectures on how to implement Next Generation NCLEX into clinical instruction and enjoys working with faculty on how to implement Next Generation NCLEX into nursing curriculum.
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