Colorado Free Application Days | October 15-17, 2024

Integrated Nursing Pathway

Earn Your Nursing Bachelor's Degree

The University of Colorado College of Nursing partners with local community colleges through the Integrated Nursing Pathway. This program facilitates a unique pathway for students to earn a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in nursing.

Currently, the program is offered through three local community colleges: the Community College of Aurora, the Community College of Denver, and Red Rocks Community College Arvada. This distinct program offers simultaneous application and admission to the local community college and the CU College of Nursing, as well as dual academic advising to support student needs and an early introduction to the role of the professional nurse in the context of quality and safety.

Eligibility and Selection

Application Requirements

Applications are submitted through Nursing’s Centralized Application Service (NursingCAS).

Please note: This program is intended for Colorado residents who complete the majority of their prerequisite courses in the Colorado Community College system. Additionally, during applicant review, the number of required INP program courses previously completed is considered (we do not recommend applicants take courses beyond the nine required INP prerequisites).

Additional Requirements

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