Calendar of Events

Envest Event: Sexual orientation, gender identity, and the nurses role

| 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Join Future Voices on Wednesday, October 12th, via Zoom at 4:00pm for a talk on Sexual orientation, gender identity, and the nurses role!

Linda Anders is a board-certified nurse in nursing professional development currently employed with Sigma Theta Tau International as the Nursing Education Programming Manager. Linda has been recognized as a leader among her peers as she has received 40 Under 40 Emerging Nurse Leader award in Illinois and 100 Great Nurses award in the state of Iowa. Linda is active in her local community through volunteering and non-profit organization board involvement and is actively pursuing her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. Linda has a desire to increase healthcare access, reduce barriers that exist, and ensure inclusivity for all.

#genderidentity #nursingcare #futurevoices #deinursing #nursingdei #dei #diversityandinclusion
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