
  1. To develop tools and products to support states’ child care licensing personnel and child care providers in ensuring environments that promote healthy weight by focusing on high-impact standards of best practices related to infant feeding, avoiding or limiting foods high in sugar, serving water and 100% juice, and limiting screen time.
  2. To facilitate conversations among licensors, child care and early education providers, legislators, health professionals, and families.

Administrators of State Licensing programs have numerous responsibilities. Developing and revising state licensing requirements are among the most important. In areas where new findings are rapidly accruing, it is difficult to be aware of all the research and information that may influence licensing requirements. These Licensing Toolkits are intended to assist Licensing Administrators as they develop and revise licensing requirements addressing guidelines for healthy infant feeding, avoiding or limiting foods high in sugar, serving water and 100% juice, and limiting screen time practices in the prevention of childhood obesity.

The Toolkits consist of three components (Action Sheets):

  1. Licensing Agency Action Sheet
  2. Child Care Provider Action Sheet
  3. Legislator Action Sheet

Here you will find suggested uses for each of the three Action sheets. You may find other uses for the Toolkit, and please share them with others in the professional licensing community.

Licensing Toolkits (with links to the actual toolkits)

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