Primary Phone:303-724-1530
Education II North
13120 East 19th Avenue
Aurora, CO 80045
Amy J. Barton, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF
Amy Barton is a Professor, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Students, and Daniel and Janet Mordecai Endowed Chair in Rural Health Nursing. She earned a BSN from the University of Toledo, an MSN from the Medical College of Ohio, and a PhD from the University of Florida. She served as Associate Dean for Clinical and Community Affairs at the University of Colorado College of Nursing for 22 years, where she was responsible for faculty practice and development of community partnerships. As a national leader in nurse-led care, she provided the vision and strategic initiative to create Sheridan Health Services, a nurse-managed federally qualified community health center, serving low-income residents in an urban area southwest of Denver, Colorado. She was also instrumental in the development of i-LEAD, an online master’s option in nursing and healthcare systems leadership.
Her publications focus on faculty practice, interprofessional education, patient outcomes, quality and safety, and informatics. She is the Editor of the Journal of Nursing Education. She has successfully competed for over $8.5 million in grants to support research, practice, and education. Dr. Barton is a member of the 2005 cohort of the Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Fellows. She was an invited participant for the 2018 Macy Conference on Clinical Learning Environments. She received distinguished alumni awards from the University of Toledo and the University of Florida. She is a Distinguished Practitioner in the National Academies of Practice, a Fellow in the Western Academy of Nursing, the Academy of Nursing Education, and the American Academy of Nursing.