Take advantage of opportunities to get involved and meet students from other schools and colleges within CU Anschutz Medical Campus. You’ll find a variety of events throughout the year, including speakers, lectures, workshops, and fun activities, so you can feel a part of the CU Nursing and CU Anschutz communities.
In-Person and Virtual Grand Rounds
Maternal Mortality: The Date We Have and the Data We Need
Brie Thumm PhD, CNM, RN, MBA, FACNM
Assistant Professor
Certified Nurse Midwife, Denver Health
Bronwen Kahn, MD
Obsterix Medical Group of Colorado
Director of Maternal Fetal Medicine Service at Presbyterian St. Lukes
Director of High-Riskk Obstetric Transport Service for Airlife
Laurel Kordyban, BS
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Maternal Data and Community Specialists
In-Person: ED2N, P28-1107
Zoom: https://ucdenver.zoom.us/j/94112535001
Room subject to change at last notice. Check the latest email from Continuing Education for location updates.