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HMS Pre-Eclampsia/Eclampsia Master Trainer Course

| All Day
Contact :
Karen Mellis
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Helping Mothers Survive Pre-eclampsia & Eclampsia (HMS PE&E) is a learning module designed to reduce deaths of women and their newborns from pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. HMS PE&E builds capacity of the entire team of providers who care for women at birth using a "low-dose, high-frequency" (LDHF) approach.  Skills are built on-site to improve communication and teamwork, and reinforce rapid detection and initiation of treatment, ongoing management of PE&E and referral where indicated.  A key component of HMS is the short set of LDHF skills practice and quality improvement activities done by providers after training days.

The goal of the workshop is to increase HMS Master Training capacity of healthcare providers and train Trainers to be HMS Master Trainers in any location.

Target Audience:
Teams of frontline health workers who care for women around the time of pregnancy and birth. The team includes skilled birth attendants such as midwives and doctors, and other team members, such as nurses and support staff.

Continuing Education:
The University of Colorado College of Nursing is an approved provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Colorado Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
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